‘Spaghettoni’ is a classical shape of the italian tradition (2,8 mm diameter) and it needs a special blend of semolinas, from durum wheats cultivated in the sunny and windy hills of Southern Italy.
We obtain ‘Spaghettoni’ through a mould of special bronze alloy with funnel-shaped holes which give to the dough, while it is taking its form, a delicate pressure.
The drying process, for about 40 hours at a low temperature, ensures a perfect osmosis between carbohydrate and protein. In this way you can get a balanced cooking from core to surface, a ‹‹delightful chewiness›› and a perfect amalgam with your sauces…..
We obtain ‘Spaghettoni’ through a mould of special bronze alloy with funnel-shaped holes which give to the dough, while it is taking its form, a delicate pressure.
The drying process, for about 40 hours at a low temperature, ensures a perfect osmosis between carbohydrate and protein. In this way you can get a balanced cooking from core to surface, a ‹‹delightful chewiness›› and a perfect amalgam with your sauces…..
Cooking time: 16-17 min … but “it’s worth waiting!”
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